Guys might not admit it, but they definitely feel sentimental during those special relationship moments, just like women do. Sure, society tells us to “man up” and stay stoic, but good luck keeping all those emotions bottled up. It’s not healthy to bottle up emotions, and deep down, men are eager to express their feelings, especially when they’re with a woman who possesses those irresistible qualities in a woman that make a man melt. So, ladies, if you think you don’t have what it takes to bring out our mushy side, you’re probably not giving yourself enough credit.
Here are fifteen qualities in a woman that make a man melt…

1.) Smiling — seriously.
A warm, inviting smile is one of those irresistible qualities in a woman that make a man melt. Flashing him those pearly whites is likely what hooked him in the first place. Next time you’re with your guy, smile at him while gazing deeply into his eyes, bat your eyelashes, and coyly ask, “What?” When he freezes like a deer in headlights, you’ll know you’ve got him. (Chances are, most of you already do this!)
2.) Glancing at each other from afar.
Whether it’s a bar or a cookout, it’s great when you’re a slight distance away from your other half but still close enough to see each other’s facial expressions. It’s the kind of glance where you two share a smirk and know exactly what the other is thinking. That mind-reading type of chemistry is pretty special when you find it. It’s also extremely distracting … especially when those glances are loaded with sexual intentions. Um, is it time to go home yet?
3.) Sending random and naughty texts.
The “I miss yous” are cute and all, but it’s the “I can’t we’re alone later ;)” texts that really get a guy’s attention. The timing of those texts adds to the moment, too. Having a bad day at work or sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic — getting a well-timed saucy text from the girl you’re dating can brighten up the darkest day. There’s nothing hotter than a woman who talks the talk and walks the walk.
4.) Sharing intimate details about herself.
Opening up about personal stories can be challenging for both women and men. Yet, revealing intimate details of her past shows she trusts you with her emotions and, importantly, her heart. This act of vulnerability is one of those exceptional qualities in a woman that make a man melt. When she begins with, “I haven’t told too many people this,” it signifies you’re more than just another guy. Sharing intimate stories helps build rapport, paving the way to a stronger relationship. If you feel comfortable opening up to him, do it—he’ll feel honoured by your trust, and you’ll be well on your way to a closer bond.
5.) Giving you a personal gift that relates to a conversation you once had.

When she surprises you with something you talked about for only a second a few weeks ago, it shows that she’s intensely listening to what you have to say. She also wants to show you she cares and that even the tiniest detail matters to her. It’s not about the cost of the gift, it really is the thought that counts here, sometimes the smallest gifts speak the loudest. For example, if she heard you randomly mention they love American Food & Drink, she surprises you with a hamper full of American sweets!
Don’t forget to say thank you – and pay it forward with a return gift of your own.
6.) Kissing like only you can together.
There are so many kinds of kisses you can give, from the “I want to rip your clothes off” variety to the “Get away from me, I have morning breath.” But I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about the kiss that shows she’s head over heels for you—slow, passionate, and so breathtaking it leaves you dizzy. This is one of those qualities in a woman that make a man melt. Will men admit this happens? Of course not, but it does. Getting emotional during make-out sessions happens to us too, ladies, even if we don’t want to admit it.
7.) Noticing the first time she makes your bed and tidies up your room.
Coming back to your room after showering to find she’s made the bed and folded a few of your clothes that were scattered around is a sweet moment. Sweet, because we weren’t going to make that bed anytime soon, and it’s a sign you care enough about us that you’re willing to put up with some of our sloppy ways, and you feel comfortable enough to take care of us a little. Respect the gesture, men — but don’t abuse it, this isn’t an invitation to treat her like she’s your maid.
8.) Lounging in nothing but boyshorts.
Visuals. That image of you getting up to go to the bathroom in just boyshorts is a sight we can’t look away from. I could be in a dead sleep — if I sense a girl I’m seeing slipping out of bed to leave the room, I’ll soak up every second of that rear view. It’s the little things in life.
9.) Being passionate about similar interests.

While it’s not mandatory, sharing a passion for at least one hobby—like gaming—can be one of those qualities in a woman that make a man melt. Common interests build excitement and create a shared experience that both of you enjoy. Take a Boston-biased example: rooting for the home team. There’s nothing quite like the camaraderie and thrill that comes from cheering together, making it a perfect segue into deeper connections.
10.) Possessing knowledge of sports is big up there on the list of qualities in a woman that make a man melt.
Again, because I’m from Boston and we’re obsessed with sports there may be a slight Northeast angle to this. However, any guy who’s a diehard fan of anything can agree —there’s nothing hotter than seeing a lady drop sports knowledge like nobody’s business. If she can engage you in a sports debate, she’s sure to rack up more points than 2007 Tom Brady. Combine that sports knowledge with some sexual witty innuendos and you two could have a field day:
“Going deep in the end zone” (football)
“Sliding hard into third” (baseball)
“Goes right to the hole for the jam” (basketball)
“Nice stick work to go top shelf and score” (hockey)
I could keep going, but you get the point.
11.) Wearing a jersey on game day.
When she pairs her sports knowledge with rocking a jersey, you’ve hit the jackpot of qualities in a woman that make a man melt. Suddenly, there’s a delightful dilemma: focus on the game or admire how stunning she looks in that skintight #12 jersey (wicked sexy, indeed). And if you really want to up the ante, a little playful teasing during game breaks will have him feeling like a winner, no matter what the scoreboard says.
12.) Donning yoga pants after the gym.
Yeah, it’s cliche but for a good reason! There’s nothing hotter than your girl coming home from a workout in those tight pants, leaving no curve to the imagination. Simple, sexy, and irresistible. Seeing her from behind pushing a Target carriage is an extra bonus. How do I know this? Cause 95 per cent of the reason I go to Target in the first place is so I can subtly stalk MILFs on Saturday mornings while running errands myself. It’s hot, but it’s even hotter when them tight yoga pants are rocked by the girl you’re into.
13.) Baking dessert.
The way to a man’s heart might just be through his stomach, with cooking being one of those qualities in a woman that make a man melt. Sure, science talks about natural aphrodisiacs, but who needs it when you’re baking his favourite dessert? Whether it’s a rich chocolate cake or a classic apple pie, the aroma of a sweet treat fresh from the oven is enough to make any man swoon. That warm apple pie cooling on the counter? It’ll have him melting faster than the scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.
14.) Playing well with kids.
Motherly instincts are a great quality to have when you’re ready to settle down. If you’re a 30-something bachelor like myself, there are plenty of friends and family who have kids running around during parties and gatherings. Seeing your girl handle children as if they were her own is a sight that might make a guy a little soft on the inside, and start to contemplate the future…a little.
15.) Bonding with mum.
For his entire existence, there’s only been one woman who held the number one spot in his life—Mum. You don’t have to be a mumma’s boy to value her opinion. Winning over his mother is one of those qualities in a woman that make a man melt. When he sees you’ve charmed his mom, there’s no telling what you can get away with. Stealing his heart? Absolutely. In fact, he might just hand it over to you willingly.
Guys, what is the number one quality that makes you melt?
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