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Dating Sites in England

5633963486_ca65546068_zWhether in the bustling city of London or out in the countryside hills of Norfolk, everyone deserves a little love! Follow these 5 tips for dating in England.

1. Get Online

Ok, we may be a little biased about online dating, but creating a dating profile is a great way to take the guesswork out of meeting potential dates– no more awkward “is she wearing a ring or not” glances! It’s also the perfect way for busy professionals and single parents to find love without sacrificing everything else in their lives.

2. Get active

Love to cook? Sign up for a cooking class. Used to play football when you were still in school? Join an adult league. Participating in group activities that you enjoy will help you meet like-minded (hopefully single) people.

3. Be Casual

While we don’t agree with the “three-day rule” or any other antiquated dating guidelines, being overly enthusiastic (read– desperate) is a turnoff. Show interest if that’s what you’re feeling, but act casual and always leave just a bit of mystery.

4. Be Honest

We all like to put our best foot forward when it comes to dating, but putting on a show and making yourself out to be better than you are is not only wrong but also can usually be spotted pretty easily by the one you’re trying to impress. So while you should always be confident, stay humble and down to earth.

5. Don’t take it too personally

Dating can be really fun and super exciting, but it can also be awkward and nerve-wracking. Some dates will work out, and some won’t. If you go on a series of dates that don’t turn into anything more than an excuse to go to that restaurant you’ve been wanting to try out, don’t take it personally. There’s someone out there for you, but it may take a few tries to find her!

(Image via ChrisGoldNYC on Flickr)