Happy Christmas Couple

Why NYE is a great first date idea

Online dating is a great tool to establish a foundation of trust and familiarity with a prospective date, but crossing that threshold from digital to in-person is still a nerve-racking step. So what’s an exciting but safe first date idea that will help break the ice and make sure that even if you’re nervous, or unimaginative, you’re both guaranteed to have a good time? Why, New Year’s Eve of course!

New Year, New Date

The advantage of dating during the festive season is that everywhere will be beautifully decorated and in celebration mode – live bands, street markets, mulled wine stands and so much more – you can have fun just strolling around, so the date need not even be expensive and everywhere will be full of energy and cheer, so you both will already be buzzed with anticipation!

In the same vein, you can use the weather to be a little spontaneous. If it snows, or there’s a particularly crisp, beautiful day, you can suggest an impromptu walk in a park or nature reserve. A beautiful setting is ideal to get the romance flowing, plus you’ll have the added bonus of getting some exercise and fresh air. Just think – you end the date by popping into a cosy country pub, sit by the fire and enjoy some mulled wine or hot chocolate… Mmm

Another great cure for unplanned silences is a show – there are lots of options for festive entertainment during the winter months, so why not book a cabaret show, a ballet or go to watch some fireworks. Even if you and your date don’t click, you’ll have a great time, but if you do – you’ll have a great, romantic story to tell about your first date. 

Whether you do something fancy or low key, New Year’s Eve is the perfect excuse to dress in your very best. Because it’s a special occasion, even a casual lunch warrants a sexy cocktail dress or your best suit. We all know that first impressions are very important, and so many people agonize over what to wear on that first meeting. But on New Year’s, not only do you not have to wonder what look to go for, but you can go all out and it won’t look out of place. If you don’t’ fall for each other when you’re looking your best, when will you? Plus, a chic outfit will give you that extra confidence boost you’ll need to put your best foot forward.

Finally, there’s no shortage of parties for New Year’s Eve and such an occasion has a double advantage. A party is the perfect way to keep things in a social group, whilst not deterring from the “date” element. You’re there together as a couple, but there are plenty of other people to chat to, to ease off the pressure. Also, and most importantly, the New Year’s moment is the chance to share a first kiss – there’s no need for any awkwardness or build-up, because a kiss at midnight is traditional. So you can cross that threshold of intimacy in a socially acceptable way and with minimal pressure – after all, even if you screw it up, it’s not your fault, it was just New Year’s!

written and researched by

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