Dating dilemma: Was I justified to leave her at the bar?

Dating dilemma: Was I justified to leave her at the bar?

Hello, wonderful daters! It’s Lottie Williams here, your trusted guide through the intriguing world of romance. Today, we’re exploring a dating situation that’s all too familiar: planning a one-on-one date, only to find yourself amidst an unexpected social gathering. Let me share a little personal story before we dive into Alex’s tale and some practical advice.

Not too long ago, I found myself in a similar scenario. I had arranged a dinner date, looking forward to a night of meaningful conversation. However, as luck would have it, my date spotted a group of friends at our chosen restaurant. Suddenly, our intimate dinner transformed into a lively group hangout. I remember feeling a bit like a guest star on someone else’s show, juggling small talk with strangers. This experience taught me the importance of setting expectations and communicating openly.

Now, let’s return to Alex’s story. Alex had planned a date with Mandy, anticipating a fun evening at the sports bar to watch a game and enjoy dinner. However, when Mandy’s friends appeared and she joined them, Alex was left feeling like a spectator rather than a participant. Despite attempts to engage, Alex ultimately left feeling excluded. Here’s the story from his perspective posted on Iiwiars:

Was it justified for me to leave Mandy at the bar?

Last Sunday, I arranged a date with a girl named Mandy, whom I had become acquainted with through my friend’s girlfriend, Sara. Mandy had always struck me as an amiable and engaging person during our brief interactions at football gatherings at my friend’s place. Confident that she shared my interest in football, I invited her out to watch a game at a local sports bar, planning to also enjoy dinner and possibly play some pool.

After picking Mandy up, we arrived at the bar where she spotted a friend of hers sitting with a group. After a quick hello, we initially grabbed seats at the bar to eat. Shortly thereafter, Mandy suggested joining her friend’s group. Reluctantly, I agreed. Post introductions, I felt quite out of place as Mandy immersed herself with her friends. Attempts at engaging others in conversation about football or other topics didn’t pan out well, leaving me sidelined.

As the game neared its end, I informed Mandy of my plans to leave soon, to which she persuaded me to stay for one more drink. What followed were rounds of shots for her group, while I stuck to my soda due to driving responsibilities. Realizing she wasn’t wrapping up as indicated, I reiterated my need to leave due to an early morning. Mandy seemed absorbed with her friends, almost oblivious to my departure, and after multiple attempts to gain her attention failed, I eventually left alone.

The fallout came the next day when Sara berated me over the phone for abandoning Mandy at the bar. Despite explaining the situation, Sara dismissed my feelings, suggesting I should have just joined in. Though Mandy was never truly alone, the ordeal has left me questioning if walking out made me a bad person.

Did I do the right thing by leaving the bar?

Posted by Alex on iiwiars

Was it OK that Mandy sidelined Alex?

Was it OK that Mandy sidelined Alex?

It’s important to consider what might have been going on in her mind. Socialising with friends she hadn’t expected to see might have been a moment of spontaneity that she assumed Alex would enjoy too. Sometimes, the excitement of a familiar crowd can momentarily overshadow the intentions of the date. Perhaps Mandy believed Alex was enjoying the company or felt torn between two social obligations. It’s a reminder for us all to occasionally step back and check in with our dates to ensure everyone’s having a good time.

Was Mandy’s heart truly in the date?

It’s possible that seeing her friends provided a convenient escape if she was feeling unsure about the date with Alex. Social dynamics can be tricky, and sometimes bumping into friends can inadvertently offer an easy way out of a situation that might not be going as hoped. If Mandy was using this as a get-out clause, it may indicate she wasn’t invested in the date from the start.

It’s crucial in such scenarios, to be honest with oneself and with the other person about your intentions and feelings.

Was it OK for Alex to leave Mandy without saying goodbye?

Now, let’s address whether it was appropriate for Alex to leave without saying goodbye. Feeling ignored can be incredibly frustrating, and in the heat of the moment, leaving might seem like the only option. However, it’s generally best to try and communicate your intentions, even if it’s just a quick message saying, “I’m heading out, hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.

This approach maintains a level of respect and leaves the door open for future discussions.

If you ever find yourself in such a scenario, consider how you’d feel if the roles were reversed. A little bit of closure can go a long way in maintaining mutual respect.

But, was it OK to leave without making sure Mandy got home safely?

Safety and courtesy are fundamental tenets of any date. Even when things don’t go as planned, ensuring your date gets home safely is a mark of respect and care.

If leaving seemed unavoidable, Alex could have offered to call a ride for Mandy or checked in later to make sure she got home safely. This not only demonstrates responsibility but also maintains the dignity and respect essential in any dating situation.

Was Sara justified in berating Alex?

Now, let’s consider Sara’s suggestion that Alex should have just joined in the fun.

Embracing spontaneity can sometimes lead to unexpected enjoyment, but it’s crucial to consider personal comfort levels. While adapting to social situations is valuable, it’s equally important to recognise when you’re not enjoying yourself and to address it honestly.

If Alex felt uncomfortable mingling, I think it was perfectly valid to step back or seek a different course of action.

If you find yourself in a situation like this, here are some tips

If you find yourself in a situation like this, here are some tips

Set expectations early

Before heading out, have an open discussion about what each of you hopes for the evening. This can prevent surprises. You might say, “I’m really looking forward to our time together tonight.” This sets a clear intention and helps align your mutual expectations.

Communicate clearly

If you find yourself feeling sidelined, it’s important to speak up. During my unplanned group dinner, I gently mentioned to my date, “I was hoping for some one-on-one time tonight.” This helped redirect attention without causing tension. It’s about expressing your feelings honestly yet tactfully.

Seek balance

When spontaneous scenarios arise, try to understand your date’s perspective. They might assume you’re enjoying the social mix as well. Approach the situation with empathy. You could suggest, “Let’s join them for a bit and then find a quieter spot later.

Plan together

If you’re uncomfortable with the situation, propose alternative plans that keep the focus on mutual enjoyment. In my experience, suggesting a venue change to a quieter café after dinner salvaged the evening and showed my date that I valued our time together.

Reflect and learn

After the date, take time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Use these insights to enhance future dating experiences. I learned to always have a backup plan and to voice my preferences early on.

Remember, dating is a journey

Dating is full of unexpected turns and valuable lessons. Each experience, whether seamlessly aligned or slightly chaotic, deepens your understanding of yourself and what you seek in a partner. To Alex and everyone navigating similar waters, it’s perfectly okay to feel as you do. Dating is about exploration and connection. Until next time, keep your heart open and your communication honest. Happy dating!

If you find yourself facing a similar dilemma or just want to share your own dating stories, check out It’s a great platform to anonymously express your thoughts and gather feedback from a supportive community, helping you navigate the ups and downs of dating (and other parts of real life) without judgment. Until next time, keep your heart open and your communication honest.

Happy dating!

written and researched by

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