20 Ways To Distract Yourself While Waiting For a Guy To Call

waiting for a guy to call
Over the past ten-ish years, I have spent more time than I’d like to admit waiting for some dude I was dating (or wanted to date) to call or text me back. I know I’m not alone. Most women are all too familiar with hoping a guy will call, wondering if he will and worrying that he’s just going to vanish because he wasn’t really interested in the first place. Which is to say, waiting for a guy to call is a special type of hell, right?  One guy I dated used to go weeks in between phone calls or texts, only to seem baffled when I was less than enthused to finally hear from him when he’d magically reappear.

I’ve written about the reasons why guys stop calling before, but when you’re sitting there iPhone in hand, replaying your last date over and over in your head, afraid that he didn’t really mean it when he said, “I had a great time tonight, I’ll call you tomorrow” it’s hard to care much about the logic behind his radio silence. You just want the damn phone to ring.

Dating Sites

The easiest and quickest way to meet people in your area looking for a relationship is to sign up for a dating site like We Love Dates. A site dedicated to helping people find love:

Since you’re way too awesome and hot to stare at your phone all day, here are 20 semi-productive things you can do while waiting for a guy to call.

1. Send a text message to your best friend or your Mom. Someone who would never dare ignore you!

2. Write down ten things about yourself, inside and out, that you love. Yes, it’s cheesy–but I bet you feel better after.

3. Login to your online dating profile and respond to a few messages.

4. Take some ridiculous yet oh so HOT selfies. (Do not upload to your online dating profile, though.)

5. Change into workout clothes and think about going for a run, to the gym or just dancing around your house. Bonus points if you actually do it, but no pressure, seriously. It’s the thought that counts!

6. Do a quick purge of your Facebook friends. Do you really need to know what 1200 people ate for dinner?

7. Turn your phone off! It’s not the boss of you.

8. Pour yourself a drink. Repeat. Cheers!

9. Go on a date with someone else. Distract yourself with someone else!

10. Makeout with someone else. Quite the distraction.

11. Pick the one task on your to-do list that you’ve been putting off the longest, and DO IT. You will feel amazing after, whether your phone is ringing or not.

12. One word: Vibrator. Who needs a guy anyway?

13. Stay busy. Accept every happy hour, blind date or dinner invitation that comes your way and throw yourself into your job.

14. Go to sleep early. Not because you’re depressed, but because sleep is awesome.

15. Scroll through his past text messages…and then delete them.

16. Banish anxiety. Whether you take a bubble bath, meditate or talk to a friend, try not to freak out. You can’t control if he calls or not, but you can control how you handle it either way.

17. Get lost in your Netflix queue for a while. New Arrested Development, anyone?

18. Find a cute puppy or child to play with. Kids and puppies have a way of reminding us to live in the moment. See also-Adorable!

19. Treat yourself to your favorite indulgent food. It is virtually impossible for me to worry about some dude when there is crack pie in my face.

20. Lightly Facebook stalk him. Just a little bit and proceed with caution! This one can backfire, but you might find yourself reading the inane or annoying status updates he’s posted and realize that you’re not really that interested in him, after-all. Of course, you might end up liking him more, but hey, 50/50.

What is your favorite way to distract yourself while waiting to hear from a guy?

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