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Free Dating Ireland

The singles in Ireland are some of the best in the world. That Irish charm, craic and character is not something you can fake. There are loads of single men and women looking to start dating in your local area. The most eligible singles know that this free online dating site gives the best results and the most successful romantic relationships!

We Love Dates is a safe dating site created to help singles from Westport to Carlingford find romance, new friendships and long term loving relationships. We are the best free dating for women on the Emerald Isle.

If you want to enjoy safe online dating with singles who sweep you off your feet, you need to join We Love Dates today!

Ireland’s Online Dating Websites

There are loads of dating websites for Irish singles that promise so much, but many of them simply can’t give you what We Love Dates can! As a member of this online dating service, you are fully in control of your dating destiny!

Becoming a member of this local dating site takes seconds. You simply need to add your details to the form at the top of this page and press go. Then you’ll be able to create a dating profile, upload photos and create your very own dating diary. No other dating website in Ireland gives you this much as a free member!

We concentrate on local matches, genuine connections and real love. We want to help you find someone incredible, someone you never knew lived down the street from you. Someone who went to the same school as you. Someone who is a friend of a friend. We Love Dates is the best local dating site in Ireland!

As one of the safest and most trusted dating websites in Ireland, we know how to help you fall in love. We are masters at showing you the most compatible members online and helping you break the ice. We work on the magic behind the scenes so that you can concentrate on enjoying every aspect of this free local dating site!

Dating Agency Ireland

We Love Dates is unique in that we offer a bespoke, special service that has been likened to an elite singles dating agency. We have members in Sligo who depend on us as a senior dating agency that will help them find love with singles over 60. There are city workers in Belfast who use We Love Dates as an over 4os dating agency.

Our amazing service and top safety features mean that men and women from all over Ireland value our service, recommend us to their single friends and, ultimately, find love online!

We work with the best customer service and moderation teams to ensure that you can date happily. These teams ensure that all members, profiles and photos are moderated before you see them. Only our free dating agency puts your safety as our first priority!

Free Dating Sites

When you sign up to join our local dating community, you will see just how easy it is to make new friends and find a romantic spark.

Our promise as Ireland’s safe and secure dating site means that you can focus on the fun of courting and flirting.

As a member of We Love Dates, you won’t be asking: is online dating safe? It won’t even be something you need to consider! You’ll struggle to find any other free local dating sites near you that can offer so much for a free membership.

Begin Free Dating


Start free dating today with Ireland’s safe dating site! Sign up now and jump into making new friends, creating connections and falling in love on your doorstep!

Your happily ever after could be just a few clicks away!