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Online Dating in Somerset

6758144779_7d81301870_bTaunton is a beautiful place full of cobbled streets and beautiful Tudor buildings. It’s the perfect place for a date. Before even looking at some of the things to do, you could take a long walk with your date through the historic town. Image via Bolt on Bicycles on Flickr.

Free Dating in Somerset

Walk at Fyne Court

2803421915_4de5673aa2_bThis is a beautiful garden that has gone back to nature. It’s a National Trust area so is well maintained with a café and visitor centre too. The gardens are extensive and are perfect for a walk on a summer’s day. You can seek out Castle Folly, see where Andrew Crosse did his experiments and explore the wild gardens. There are plenty of paths of varying terrain so it doesn’t matter if you want a nice stroll followed by a cup of tea with your date, or if you want to ramble through the woods and climb trees. From here you can also get to the Wellington Monument. Take a walk to the highest point of the Blackdown Hills for amazing views of the area. Image via PussyCatVictor on Flickr.


Romantic Dinner at Castle Bow Bar & Grill

Castle-BowThis bar and grill serves only the best West Country produce and is perfect for romantic dinners. The portions are a good size and there’s plenty on offer. If you don’t fancy dinner so early in your new relationship then how about some drinks in the bar. There are a great cocktail menu and wine list as well as spirits, beers and soft drinks to choose from. If you’re getting to know your date, this is the perfect place as the atmosphere will make you both feel relaxed and at ease with one another.


Shopping in the Town Centre

44051919_7ab2f4ec38_bTaunton is a beautiful Somerset market town that hosts fantastic mix of shops, cafés and bars. Treat your date to a cream tea at one of the lovely cafés then wander up and down the pretty streets as you get to know one another. If all goes well, why not pop into one of the many florists. There are sweet shops, clothing for men and women, a number of lovely delicatessens and plenty of gift shops too. Image via Sam_BB


West Somerset Railway Tour

5573587605_46978f0cf1_b(1)Not far from Taunton is a 20 mile stretch of heritage railway. Take a trip on a steam train and watch the countryside go by. This is a great trip for any train lover but it’s also great chance to get the know your date.
Keep an eye on the website and local tourist information as there are often events on that could mean being wined and dined as you travel, or perhaps getting a bit of an insight into the history of the railway.
The Bishops Lydeard station, four miles from Taunton, also has a railway museum which contains a working model railway. There’s also the Signalbox shop, which sells all sorts of model railway equipment for anyone who wants to build their own. You don’t have to be a fan of trains to enjoy the sound of a steam train as you move through the beautiful Somerset countryside. Image via Deerleap on Flickr.

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